** IT IS **PROHIBITED** TO LISTEN TO THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE for people finding it “trop long” : they only need to listen to ONLY ONE section, of a few minutes, to choose below (this ban aims to no longer hear “it is too long”, merci) :
INTERNAL CLIP SHORTCUTS (and links to other pages or clips) :
CLICK THE blue LINKS below to quickly and easily navigate through the clip !
* 0:00:00 – FIRST PART
Main explanations about the difficulties (and scandals) in the correct consideration of autism in France
** 0:01:21 – Communication difficulties (Facebook, trial of intentions…)
** 0:23:22 – Question of egos, of the common cause, self-confidence
** 0:38:21 – Need to also be in action (to defend the cause)
*** 0:39:08 – Because faced with a monstrous system
**** 0:41:08 – Autism problem in France
***** 0:41:45 – Security question and power of public doctors
****** 0:54:46 – Confusion between autism and “psychological pathology” – crises – the “depression”
***** 1:10:04 – Root of the problem : the perverse effects of the generosity of social security
****** 1:15:30 – CDAPH
***** 1:20:05 – Counterproductive absurdity of “institutionalization” – the need to learn free society in free society – the need for self-esteem / of social recognition
***** 1:27:30 – Caste of people who take advantage of the system and make arrangements among themselves
***** 1:30:05 – Parliamentary study – the billions
***** 1:32:23 – Autistic people in HP
**** 1:33:17 – Too big for people to believe – the taxpayer – institutions – work in the city and not in the centers – etc. etc.
**** 1:35:45 – All victims (or harmed) except micro-caste
***** 1:38:05 – The difficulties of public authorities – the meeting in Matignon (the absence of coercion and deterrence, the non-enforceability of HAS recommendations)
***** 1:49:04 – The tax payer, contributing to all of this
* 1:51:13 – SECOND PART
More details and examples – Participation of autistic people
** 2:17:42 – Structure of the Autism Alliance :
*** 2:18:49 – AA_Entraide (first part)
*** 2:19:15 – AA_OrgIntl (relations avec les Organisations Internationales (ONU etc.)) (first part)
*** 2:23:08 – AA_AideExt (Aide Extérieure (non publique)
*** 2:23:56 – AA_Entraide (suite, avec exemple Timothée D)
**** 2:30:49 – Timothée : audience du Tribunal du Contentieux de l’Incapacité
**** 2:37:20 – Timothée : “en situation de danger dans sa maison de campagne”
*** 2:42:11 – AA_OrgIntl (ONU etc.) (suite)
*** 2:45:43 – AA_AideSP (aide par les Services Publics)
**** 2:46:37 – SEPH (Secrétariat d’Etat aux Personnes Handicapées)
**** 2:53:05 – Vagues promesses de désinstitutionnalisation
**** 2:54:27 – Article 21bis
**** 2:56:45 – Justice
**** 3:03:27 – Dr Albernhe
*** 3:11:13 – AA_Education
**** 3:11:43 – Diffamation radio par inspecteur académie (Timothée, amalgames etc.)
*** 3:21:46 – AA_Travail
*** 3:32:31 – AA_Logement
*** 3:32:41 – AA_Santé
*** 3:35:15 – AA_Protection (Protection des atteintes)
*** 3:36:01 – AA_SelfAdv (Self-Advocacy / Auto-représentation)
*** 3:36:15 – AA_Participation (autistic people)
*** 3:51:58 – AA_AssoAutistes (relations avec les Associations d’Autistes)
*** 3:57:05 – AA_AssoParents (relations avec les Associations de Parents)
(4:09:23 – Désespoir / aucune bouée de sauvetage / hospitalization under duress)
*** 4:17:20 – CCNAF (National Advisory Committee for Autists in France)
*** 4:26:58 – Autistan.TV
*** 4:29:58 – I will help
(http://Autistan.org – http://Autistan.fr)
*** 4:36:44 – Divers (International, altruistic autistic projects, voyage, not to be impressed…)
Description :
This is a message (vocal) d’Eric LUCAS (“autistic Asperger's” / “high functioning autistic”), particularly for autistic people in France.
With all simplicity and honesty, in an impromptu presentation lasting almost five hours, are exposed (and sometimes even revealed) multiple facets of poor public consideration of autistic people in France, initiatives to remedy this, as well as numerous explanations, confidences, anecdotes, tracks, reviews etc..
Since autistic people and families already know the problem (without necessarily always knowing certain details revealed here), this kind of “spontaneous conference” would certainly also be useful to civil servants, to politicians and all people who need or wish to contribute to better social equity and a better quality of life for autistic people, young or old, regardless of their degrees of autism or social adaptation.
A long but rich contribution… and which is not dedicated to “honey shirt” internees harmful to autistic people (or other disabled people).
(P.S. : If you find this “trop long”, consider it a “free book” easier to listen to than to read…
– There is no obligation to listen to everything at once.)
- Timothy's father-in-law was not “in prison” in the strict sense of the term, but he passed 48 h in police custody, and was then subject to judicial review (had to stay close to his home etc.) (and this must start again at the end of January 2016…)
- Error (confusion) : Timothée's mother was released from prison after a few days, around Christmas (under bail of €75,000), and therefore the 11 January is not the date of his release from prison but that of his appearance before justice in Ireland.
- The link to the “replay” the RTL (M. Baglan) is not in a letter to the President of the Republic (PR) about Timothy, but in a letter to the Ministry of National Education (who ended up responding, following the letters sent to the PR).
And M. Baglan speaks of “acts of violence” (and maybe not “of aggression” but it's not much better). Anyway the word “assault” comes up all over the place in the file.
Lien : http://allianceautiste.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/20141004_AA_lr_MEN_diffamation_Tim_v17.pdf - When it is said that the relevance rate of France's responses to the UN is close to zero, This only concerns topics relating to autism (which does not mean that the other answers are relevant ; they have not been analyzed).
- When it is said that the collaboration between certain members of the Autistic Alliance was done “almost necessarily”, it is in the sense of “almost automatically” (or “spontaneously”) due to great complementarity.
- Et… ici en Russie il faisait -20°C au moment de l’enregistrement, mais -30°C au moment de sa publication, 2 jours plus tard…)