[fr] Hearing by the UN CRPD Committee on “deficiencies of the French state” on disability and autism (16/08/2021)

(Editor and speaker : Eric LUCAS)

406 mots, 2’57”

Ladies and gentlemen members of the Committee, Thank you a lot for
your assistance.

Regarding autism, here are the main deficiencies of the French state :
– The absence of “Correct Consideration of Autism Everywhere”,
via corrections in the socio-generated environment
and in social procedures and behaviors.
This problem leads to misunderstandings, exclusions, suffering, and one
feeling of inferiority and hopelessness which can lead to suicide.
– The absence of palliative services corresponding to disabilities
autistic, easily available and accessible remotely :
– for communication and social relationships,
– for socio-administrative assistance, legal and other,
– and for emergencies.
– Defectological vision and lack of education about autism, First of all
for the parents,
while it is necessary to understand the mechanisms and qualities of
autism to avoid sensory damage, mental and other,
which cause most suffering and trouble.
– The contempt of the authorities for the explanations of autistic people useful for
reduce these social aberrations.

Regarding disability in general, the central defect of article 1 of the Law
2005-102 allows management and service provider associations to
services of pretending to be representative of people
disabled, which is fallacious and absurd.
This lobby is very present within public authorities, which explains
most violations, as :
– “anti-deinstitutionalizationism” ;

– inertia and indigence in terms of inclusion ;
– or unpunished institutional mistreatment (to see in the
shocking and hidden report from Zone Interdite on AutiLeaks.org).
In fact as in his response to the Committee, the French state plays a
hypocritical play, permitted in particular by the Law of 2005.
In addition, the French Republic believes that it has no effort to make
because – like Obelix – she would have fallen from the start into the
“Human Rights pot”, which should therefore apply
There are other serious problems, as :
– medical-judicial power, who does what he wants thanks to the pretext
from “security” ;
– or the genetic extermination of people with Down syndrome, and the
wish to do the same with autistic people.

We would like the State to explain its silence towards our
requests for clarification under point 23 of the General Observation
N°7, whose respect would make it possible to reduce these horrors.
The precision of the Committee's questions will make it possible to avoid the usual
vague and evasive answers.
The “international disgrace” can bring the French State to decency and
to sincerity.

Freedom is non-negotiable.
Thank you so much.

More details on this event here