[点]([在]) 与家长会面于 “过家家 ” (里约热内卢州, 巴西) – 与家长会面 “过家家” (里约热内卢州, 巴西) 与埃里克·卢卡斯—— 14/03/2017

很遗憾, 没有时间报告本次会议, 也不处理录音.
A “过家家” 这是一个非常好的地方, 家长可以参与游戏并为孩子提供帮助, e então eles sabem melhor como se comportar com eles em casa.



Unfortunately, there is no available time to make a report about this encounter, nor to process the audio recordings.
The explanations given by Eric were much appreciated byt the parents.
The “过家家” is a very good place, where the parents can participate to the games and help provided to their children, and then they know better how to behave with them at home.