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On the 12th february 2016 has been organized a conference about autism, in Almaty (Kazakhstan), by a local organization of parents of autistics (Pioneer / Love World), especially by a mother (Zhanna) of an autistic boy (Alibek).
Here are the various documents available :
The text of Eric LUCAS’ presentation (in english), entitled ” My thoughts about ‘autism’ “ (beware, this is very different from the usual things about autism !)
A video-clip of the first part of the presentation (from the beginning to the section ‘B’ included), in English translated into Russian
TABLE OF CONTENTS for the 1st part : (direct links to the recording will be added later)
0000/ About the mask
000/ Quick presentation about me and my presence in Kazakhstan
00/ Introduction
0/ Indispensable preliminary distinctions
0-1/ Autism
0-2/ Troubles Associated With Autism
– “Autistic Behaviours Perceived As Troubles”
– “Problematic Autistic Behaviours Resulting from Social Agressions”
– “Harmful Autistic Behaviours”
– “Diseases Associated With Autism”
0-3/ The Handicap
A/ Non-Autism and Non-Autistic Troubles
The Truth-Transformation Trouble
The Artificial Relativist Referential
The Normalitaristic Trouble (or Trouble of Normocentrism)
The Comfortabilistic Trouble
The “Rule of the Strongest Because Most Numerous”.
The Non-Autistic Communication Troubles
B/ Almost all the major beliefs and descriptions about autism are wrong, not correct, or very debatable
The “disease”
“The symptoms are appearing near the age of 3 years”
The neurons
The “disorder”
“It comes from the mother”
The social interactions problem
The communication problem
The “narrow interests”
The “psycho-rigidity”
A clip of the second part of the presentation (from the section ‘C’ until the end), in english translated in russian, only with audio (no video)
TABLE OF CONTENTS for the 2nd part :
C/ My vision of the deep nature of autism, and of the mechanisms of its’ relations with the world
The Whole
The material world
The “Intelligent Energy of Life”
The living bodies
The individual life
The variability of the physical/spiritual mix
The “less physical beings”
The location of the attention or the consciousness or the “me”
The neurological interface
The hypersensitivity
The neurological irritations
The distance
The Essential Characteristics of Autism (or “the keys”)
D/ The autistic life experience and usefulness
The own path of life
The qualities
The “above normal” abilities
About the genetic tests and the abortion
E/ The current suffering and the so-called “troubles” of the autistics, oppressed by a majority of people whose non-autistic formatting prevents them to guess how to understand us, and whose illusion and artificial values prevents them to see our positive sides
The aggressions
The nervous reactions resulting from the irritation
The resulting crises, stress, anger, depression, distress and psychological problems
The impossibility to adapt to all that, and the right to refuse to try
F/ What should be done to improve the situation of autistics in general
Awareness, understanding
Stop hurting, stop the medical dictatorship
Work and creativity
Right place in society
Help us to be daring and autonomous
The audio recording of some questions and answers :
– 0:00:00 – “Can you tell us about your personal own experience ? (childhood, diagnostic…)”
– 0:12:28 – “About gluten-free diet : is it necessary, is it a must ?” – my special diet
– 0:19:21 – “Can you tell us more about your organization, and what made you decide to do this ?”
– 0:23:26 – About the international experience of dealing with autism – travels – sport
– 0:31:50 – About the Pioneer ski resort experience
(Additionnal, written statement (not in the conference) :
“My stay at the Pioneer ski resort was a very interesting and useful experience for me.
I felt in confidence and I accepted their kind proposal to try to take ski lessons, which looked almost impossible for me, so far.
I discovered the limitations of the control of my mind over my body.
Usually the relationships between my mind and the concrete reality are not so difficult, but when you are gliding on skis, things go very fast and you really have to be very focused on every new “surprise” from the snow (the earth, the reality) and to react in fractions of seconds, which is very difficult for an autistic person, given that, basically, we do not live fully in our body (but more in the “thoughts”), and we have a special relation with space and time.
I had to make unusual attention efforts, to manage to control the situation and not to fall.
I could feel that when it was going too fast, I was starting to panic a little bit, and to lose control, and to be close to falling.
The staff is aware about autism and they were patient and attentive, and it made a real difference for me, and gave me some courage.
Finally, after a few hours, I could even ride the whole slope (more than 1 km), with the help of an instructor.
This experience helped me to understand better my own autistic characteristics, to improve my self-confidence and the control of my body.
I think that when an autistic can manage to have such control in such difficult (fast) conditions, then he can have a good control in many (or all) other situations.
I think that it is easier to learn for children.
And also it helps to improve the self-confidence, which is something very important and necessary for the autistics.
Additionally, I found that the owner is very involved in the help of autistics, and also friendly and kind ; that’s why I hope she will succeed in collaborating to the autistics autonomy and “better life”, thanks to this tool, among other means and methods.”)
– 0:39:14 – About the puberty period
– 0:49:35 – {Oral additions by Janna (organizer of the conference) (about founding a family, ski, and other subjects)}
– 0:57:15 – Details about the ski experience, and the importance of trying to do things
“The autistics should try to do things, should be daring, and should do (by little steps) the things they are afraid to do.
If you don’t try then you never do, never learn, never succeed, and you always remain at the same level.
In my life I managed to overcome many barriers of autism, just because I tried to do the things, instead of being blocked by fear. (…)
Even if there is a problem, it is not the end of the world, I will survive : I am still here, and so what ?”
– 1:04:03 – About founding a family – Having a happy life with or without a family
– 1:08:55 – About ABA, Tomatis, working with the body…
– 1:20:16 – (a mother now understands the need of protection showed by her son – a father talks about diagnostic for his 3-4 I. child – various – thanks) (mostly in russian)
- The audio recording of some discussions before the event (to release soon)
- A press article (in Russian)
Please note : there are many misunderstandings in this article :
Eric has never talked about
– a risk of irritation or problem if someone smiles (!…)
– “Africa” but “indigenous South American tribes”
– “the Lord” (or whatever similar)
– the brain hemispheres - Another press article (in Russian)
Please note : there are errors in this article also :
– Eric is not “well known”
– autism is not a “disease”
– there is no “mission” (indeed, literally speaking, a “mission” is when someone is sent or asked to do something)
On 12 February 2016 a conference on autism was organized, in Almaty (Kazakhstan), local autistic parent organization (Pioneer / Ashik Alem),especially mothers (Janna) autistic boy (Alibek)).
There are various documents here:
– Presentation text by Eric Lucas (in English), entitled “My thoughts about” autism “ (Carefully, this is very different from the usual things about autism!)
– Video clip of the first part of the presentation (from the beginning to section ‘B’’ included), in English translation in Russia
CONTENTS for Part 1: (direct links to posts will be added later)
0000 / O mask
000 / Quick presentation about me and my presence in Kazakhstan
00 / Introduction
0 / Necessary preliminary differences
0-1 / Autism
0-2 / Problems associated with autism
– “Autistic Behavior Perceived as Vague”
– “Problematic Autistic Behaviors Resulting from Social Aggressions”
– “Harmful Autistic Behaviors”
– “Diseases, autism related”
0-3 / handicap
A / Non-Autism and Non-Autistic Troubles
Truth-Transformation Problem
Artificial relativistic background
Normalitarian Problem (or problems of normal centrism)
Comfort Problem
"Rule of the Strongest Because the Most Numerous”.
Non-autistic communication problems
B / Almost Every Main Belief and Description About Autism Is Wrong, wrong, or very controversial
“Symptoms appear around 3 years”
“It comes from the mother”
The Problem of Social Interaction
Communication problem
"Narrow interests”
– Clip of the second part of the presentation (from section “C” to end), in English translation in Russian, only with sound (without video)
CONTENTS for Part 2: (direct links to posts will be added later)
S / My View of the Deep Nature of Autism, and its mechanisms “relations with the world
Material world
“Intelligent Energy Life”
Living bodies
Individual life
Variability of the physical / spiritual mixture
"Less physical beings”
Disposition of attention or consciousness or "I"
Neurological interface
Neurological irritations
Basic characteristics of autism (or "keys")
D / autistic life experiences and usefulness
Own way of life
IN “above normal” abilities
About genetic tests and abortion
E / The current of suffering and the so-called “Problems” from autism, oppressed by the majority of people, whose non-autistic formatting prevents them from guessing, how can we understand, and whose illusions and artificial meanings prevent them from seeing our positive sides
In aggression
Nervous reactions, resulting from irritation
Resulting crises, stress, anger, depression, stress and psychological problems
Inability to adapt to everything, as well as the right to refuse, to try
F / What needs to be done, to improve the situation in general for autistic people
Awareness, understanding
Stop the pain, stop the medical dictatorship
Work and creativity
Right place in society
Help us to be brave and independent
Audio recording of some questions and answers :
– 0:00:00 – “Can you tell us about your personal experience? (childhood, diagnostics …)”
– 0:12:28 – “About the gluten-free diet: it is necessary, it is necessary” – My special diet
– 0:19:21 – “You can tell us more about your organization, and then, what did you decide to do it?”
– 0:23:26 – About international experience in combating autism – travels – sports
– 0:31:50 – About the Pioneer Ski Resort Experience
(Additional, written statement (not in conference):
“My stay at the Pioneer ski resort was a very interesting and rewarding experience for me.
I felt confident, and I accepted their kind offer, to try to take ski lessons, which looked almost impossible to me, still.
I discovered the limitations of my mind's control over my body.
Usually the relationship between my head and concrete reality is not so complicated, but when you ski, things are moving very quickly, and you really have to be very focused on every new “surprise” from the snow (land, reality ) and react in a split second, which is very difficult for an autistic person, considering, What, basically, we don't fully leave in our body, and we have a special relationship with space and time.
I had to make an unusal effort of attention, to be able to control the situation and not fall.
I felt, that when he walked too fast, I started to panic a little, and lose control, and be closer to the falls.
Staff are aware of autism, and they were patient and attentionate, and it made a significant difference for me, and gave me courage.
Finally, after several hours, I could even ride the whole slope (more 1 km), with the help of an instructor.
This experience helped me better understand my autistic characteristics., to improve my self-confidence and body control.
Think, that when an autistic person can manage to have such control in such complex (fast) conditions, then he can have good control in many (or all) other situations.
I think, what is easier for children to learn.
It also helps improve self-confidence, which is something very important and necessary for autistic people.
Additionally, I discovered, that the owner is very involved in helping autistic people, and also friendly and kind; That's why I hope, that she will have success in collaboration with autonomy autistics and “better life”, thanks to this tool, among other means and methods. “)
– 0:39:14 – About the polo periodfirst maturation
– 0:49:35 – {Oral additions by Jeanne (conference organizer) (about starting a family, skis, and other subjects)}
– 0:57:15 – Details about the ski experience, as well as the importance of, to do something
“The autistics should try to do something, must be brave and do (small steps) that, what are they afraid to do.
If you don't try, then you never did, never know, it won't work, and you always stay on the same level.
I have overcome many autism barriers in my life., just because, what I tried to do, What, instead of, blocked by fear. (…)
Even if there is a problem, it's not the end of the world, I will Survive: I'm still here, So, What “
– 1:04:03 – About creating a family – Having a happy life with or without family
– 1:08:55 – О ABA, Tomatis, working with the body …
– 1:20:16 – (mother now understands the need for protection shown by her son – father talks about diagnostics for him 3-4 baby y.o. – Various – Thank you)
- Audio recording of some discussions before the event (release soon)
- press article (in Russia)
Please, note: There are many misunderstandings in this article:
Eric never talked about
– Risk of irritation or problem, if someone smiles (…!)
– “Africa”, a “indigenous South American tribes”
– “Lord” (or any other similar)
– cerebral hemispheres
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