Chi siamo

The Autistic Alliance is aimed to improve the visibility and efficiency of individuals and organizations related to autism who are contributing to Understanding, Cooperazione e giustizia tra tutti gli esseri umani.

It can be autistics helping autistics, autistic helping non-autistics, non-autistics helping autistics, and non-autistics helping non-autistics, as long as autism is involved or used.

The Autistic Alliance is NOT an organization, an association, a foundation, nor even a group or a network,
but a technical resource facilitating access to, and collaboration with, the appropriate persons and organizations.

Individuals or organizations listed or endorse by the Autistic Alliance are -unless otherwise stated- totally independant.

The Autistic Alliance itself does not take any (social-related) decisions and does not undertake any (social-related) actions, but it strives to help the relevant entities (individuals or organizations) to fulfill their goals, when they are matching “Migliorare la comprensione, Cooperation and Justice between all Humans.”.

The Autistic Alliance has been created and is managed by autistic persons, on the grounds of the complementary input that autistics can provide to the community, who is not aware about that, and sometimes needing it.

Like for the obvious complementarity of genders, the “normale” society needs diversity andnot conformpeople, otherwise, without anyout of the boxinput, the risk of sterility seems high.