*: La parola “Terapisti” (che è il “normale” espressione) è qui tra virgolette perché, dato che l'autismo non è una malattia, il personale o i formatori devono essere chiamati “Educatori” o “insegnanti” o qualcosa di simile.
Ecco la registrazione audio (convertito come video, più facile da usare) di una domanda & answers session in an ABA center in Bishkek (capital of Kyrgyzstan), on 2 february 2016.
This center has a lot of equipments and rooms ; the staff seems good and dedicated, and the children seem to make progresses.
Click on a question, to go there directly.
- 0:00:00 – Beginning
- 0:00:38 – “Can you tell us about yourself ?”
- 0:01:31 – “Did you have problems in your life without knowing that you were Asperger ?”
- 0:09:38 – “In the case of a 9 y.o. boy I am working with, when I ask him something, he will be engaged in something going on in his head during at least 40 seconds before giving an answer…”
- 0:19:40 – “About problems building relationships with other people…”
- 0:22:56 – “Do you depend on these relationships, or actually you don’t need it ?”
- (0:29:28 : Here there is an error :
“If 27 is good, 27 cannot be good” should be
“If 27 is good, 22 cannot be good”
(It is in a description of the bus over-heating problem)) - 0:41:37 – “What about here (Kirghizistan, Kazakistan…), where people are a bit more “rude” or straightforward : is it easier for you, or not ?”
- 0:44:44 – “Do you have a close relationship with someone ?”
- 0:57:11 – (comparison with swimming pool – the barriers – the things which are new)
- 1:08:41 – Autism and coherence / consistency / logic / justice
- 1:28:30 – About motivation and ABA
- 1:34:14 – About imitation
- 1:53:29 – About “trying” : the comparison with the 100 doors