[In] Incontro sull'autismo ad Abu Dhabi (Emirati Arabi Uniti) con Eric LUCAS

Ecco una registrazione di alcune domande da parte di genitori e tutori di autistici, e risposte di Eric LUCAS (auto-difensore autistico) ad Abu Dhabi (Emirati Arabi Uniti).

0:00:00 – “Puoi darci informazioni generali su di te ?” – “autismo ad alto funzionamento” – (Esempio di distrazione)
0:02:50 – Associazione autistica in Francia – the autistics should not live in centers, and should go to schools instead of centers
0:05:55 – First, explain autism, to avoid making things not adaptedattention or care, if not requested, is unwantedthe autistics are not people who followthings have to come first from the autistic thoughtthe autistics should see the reasons, otherwise they are not motivatedautomatic protection against anything seen asstranger
0:09:51 – The non-autistics also are automatically rejectingthe unknown
0:11:00 – Collaboration attempts between autistic self-advocates
0:12:38 – Russia in november 2015 : presentation about overcoming challenges [link to the article]
0:13:42 – Kazakistan : Almaty autism conference [link to the article]
0:14:06 – How Eric arrived here
0:15:59 – How / where to start with autism (how to develop adaptations…)” : How Eric would do in order toreacha low-communicating autistic personsame levelsurroundingsbe approached, not approachingflappingbe friendlyour reasonsdifference is complementaryalso try to invite him to an interesting worldnature or empty flat, without anythingscratching the attention” (against harmony) – avoid the distracting things (otherwise it’s very difficult toconnect”)
0:40:32 – (little distraction during the meeting : new participant arrivingexplanations about concentration, imagination, “being lost your thoughts”, the yellow color and thesensory agressive little details”)
(while I was writing these words, I heard the wordyellowin a conversation right behind me (in spite of my anti-noise helmet), and when I started this paragraph (when writing “0:40:32”) I thought that it was a strangecoincidencethat someone brought a distraction in the meeting, right when I was talking about this subject) (and I had a similar situation in a meeting in Russia, again when I spoke about unwanted and unplanned annoyances : I was sayinglike…” (looking for an example) e, less than one second later, there was a big bell noise, so I just had to saythis !” – it was totallyin time”, like at the opera)
0:47:19 – For my 4 years-old non-speaking autistic grand-son, would it be better to start with a regular school, or with a center ?” – the need to be in “normale” placesbut with protections and adaptationsno segregation – “teach non-autism tricksin the normal places, why not with the staff usually working in special centersstigmatization because putting us all the time in specialmy example of a 2 years in special center
1:01:03 – What do you think about the problem of ‘lack of eye-contact’ ; how to deal with that ?” – there are several reasons – (some thoughts about imagination) – impossible to follow the thoughtsvulnerability
(at 1:08:51 : Error : It is saidthey can do all what they do”, but in fact it isthey can do all what they want“)
problem of the command without explaining why – (problems with job interview) – mental agression, inconsistency, injusticeconcern of parents about eye-contactattentions conflicta probable reason of the necessity of eye-contact for non-autistic persons (to detect lies) – usually when “normale” people want to do bad things they have to avoid eye-contact for their protectionfor us, it’s the opposite, we avoid eye-contact to protect ourgood things” – need of justification, especially for things conflicting with our autism
1:27:27 – Difficult to explain things too much abstractproblems with symbolic thingssymbolic is artificialthe autistic aree closer to natural thingsthe language is abstractin the past (communication by thought) – the animalsoriginal / natural / autismsophisticated language is one of the reasons of the actual problems (theories with errors, confusions little by little, manipulations of concept) – also problem with sophisticated creation with the handsHiroshima (made byconcepts” – big non-nonsense)
(at 1:36:09 : Error : “three thousand thousand people” : no, it isthree hundred thousand”)
1:36:22 – About an example of autisticdispersion problem” (too many brackets and explanations, like hyper-links) – Einstein
1:37:28 – Eric’s special diet (nuts, walnuts, almonds, cashew, tomatoes, carrots, apples, bananas, honey, tunfish, water) (+ sometimes goji, strawberries, avocado, mango juice or other natural things), all without any modification (like cooking) – glutenmilkdon’t modify : you can’t do better (healthier) than the orignal natural things
1:46:46 – How to know if a very young child is autistic ?” – some usual criteriathenot playing with othersnon-problem (my experience) – the game is abstractour mind / concrete / Autistancompetition (relation with others), dominationno point
1:56:07 – What about putting fingers in mouth ?” – biting fingers / finger-eating : Eric’s method to solve this problemflapping, autistic hand shaking
2:03:51 – End