[en][ru] Conference in Almaty (Kazakhstan) with Eric LUCAS – Конференция в Алматы (Казахстан) с Эрика Лукаса – «Almaty autism speech»

Для русского языка, прокрутите вниз On the 12th february 2016 has been organized a conference about autism, in Almaty (Kazakhstan), by a local organization of parents of autistics (Pioneer / Ashyk Alem), especially by a mother (Zhanna) of an autistic boy (Alibek). Here are the various documents available : The text of Eric LUCAS’ presentation Read More …

[en] Answers to «therapists»* in an ABA center in Kyrgyzstan, by Eric LUCAS

*: The word «therapists» (which is the «normal» wording) is here between quotes because, given that autism is not a disease, the personnel or trainers should be called «educators» or «teachers» or something similar. Here is the audio recording (converted as a video, easier to use) of a questions & answers session in an ABA center in Read More …