[en][ru] Discussion about autism between pupils and Eric LUCAS in an inclusive school in Russia – Обсуждение аутизмом между учениками и Эрика Лукаса в школу включительно в России

Для российских автоматического перевода, прокрутите вниз Languages : english / russian (audio, with an interpreter) This is a discussion with pupils aged 15-17 years old, in an inclusive school in Russia (a school where pupils with disabilities are mixed with others without disabilities, like it should be everywhere). Questions (click the links) : 0:00:00 :  (short Read More …

[fr][en] Réflexion sur le handicap et les Droits de l’Homme, à l’occasion du Forum Mondial des Droits de l’Homme à Marrakech (novembre 2014) – Thought of an autistic person taking part to the World Human Rights Forum in Marrakesh (november 2014)

En français : http://fmdh-2014.org/documents/download/57/ (copie de secours sur notre serveur : FR_FDMH2014_MARRAKECH) In english : http://fmdh-2014.org/documents/download/41/ (backup copy on our server : EN_FMDH2014_MARRAKESH) Dans la liste des déclarations : http://fmdh-2014.org/documents/